Sesungguhnya telah datang kepada kamu seorang Rasul dari golongan kamu sendiri (iaitu Nabi Muhammad s.a.w) yang menjadi sangat berat kepadanya sebarang kesusahan yang ditanggung oleh kamu, yang sangat tamak (inginkan) kebaikan bagi kamu dan dia pula menumpahkan perasaan belas serta kasih sayangnya kepada orang-orang yang beriman. Surah 9 ; Ayat 128.
Al-dirassa center learn arabic online for beginners is your only solution, which provides conversational ways, whereas it contains professional tutors to help you to learn vocabulary and short or long sentences via conversation, at the end the student will be able to speak and communicate easily with others in Arabic.
Al-dirassa center learn arabic online for beginners is your only solution, which provides conversational ways, whereas it contains professional tutors to help you to learn vocabulary and short or long sentences via conversation, at the end the student will be able to speak and communicate easily with others in Arabic.